Posts from the ‘dandmb50’ Category

‘The Interview’ watch full movie now, pulled by Sony Pictures from theatres ‘see below’

UPDATE: December 24/2014 – Just finished watching The Interview and my first impression, it is propaganda movie by/for the US Government. There were a few funny spots, but not anywhere near the best comedy I’ve ever seen. On a 1-10 it might be 4-5.

UPDATE: Sony is so scared about what the hackers have, they even gave in to taking down the YouTube preview, but you can view it HERE.

Simpson HouseNow we know what is expected of us in free speech countries due to the shut-down of one movie in two weeks. Artistic pleasure in the Arts expect that people doing such things, control what they put into a movie and do it discreetly, and with some clear thought.

I heard a good analogy today, we have freedom of speech but we are wise enough to know that we do not go into a full movie theatre (Not the Interview theatre) and yell out ‘FIRE’ this is irresponsible.

And we expect from movie houses, that they are allowed to express artistic artsy fartsy stuff, oh they call it ‘ART’ and use their common sense when making a movie and just think about what they are doing BEFORE they start.

In the end they will probably find some American 13-year-old boy in his Sony Pictured posters on his wall and a bong on the coffee table with all the stacks of hacked emails he just got off his 2GB mini laptop.

This is the newest and quickest way to bring Americans to their knees, if there was only another way of saying it. How very sad America, just when your opinion around the world had just started to improve.

It seems Ferguson, Missouri residents are getting the message, STAY HOME.

Tear gas directed at unarmed peaceful protesters

Tear gas directed at unarmed peaceful protesters

Ferguson, Missouri, USA – After eleven days of unrest in the small community of Ferguson (20,000) a suburb of St. Louis protesters have finally made the decision to stay home because the large numbers of armed security forces and the National Guard.

It all started last Saturday when an unarmed 18-year-old black man was shot dead during the daytime in a residential street just off the main drag.

mike brow shooting

Michael Brown dead

Not known when the murdered young man Michael Brown had a scuffle at a local variety store where he was seen on video tape allegedly stealing about $40 of cigars and strong arming (store video below) the store clerk while he was leaving the store.



Cop that killed Mike Brown

Cop that killed unarmed Michael Brown

He was eventually stopped by officer Darren Wilson (28) a six-year veteran of Ferguson Police P.D. who is now on paid leave. He has said he originally stopped them for walking down the middle of the street, but the officer then realized he might be the person the radio said had recently robbed (10 minutes earlier) a store of cigars. He got in a struggle with Brown and finally shot him dead with six-gun shots.

For some unknown reason The Furguson, Missouri Police Department website in down right now, and you can view it HERE, which is the Wikipedia website, and we don’t know when their home page will be open.

They may be hiding under their desks, but I think they are packing their bags, because I’m sure the force, 53 officers of which only 3 are black, will soon be shutdown and proper more trained officers will be brought in to stopĀ  harassment of the fine residents of Ferguson.


You want to see what others are saying goto CBS and see what they are suggesting for Ferguson resident to STAY HOME. Click HERE

Ferguson, Missouri protests must be over for the, good, decent, honorable, hardworking, kind people of a warm community called Ferguson. Stay home Tuesday, and let the thugs, looters, criminals, go down and protest.


‘RoboCops’ Riot police in Toronto during the G20 in 2010

Toronto, Canada – We experienced this nonsense in the streets at G20 during summer of 2010. Over 500 protesters were arrested and released for no reason.

The good people in Ferguson have protested, now stay home. The only ones to do further protests will be criminals, looters, thugs, and trouble makers.
That will make it easy for the cops to go after the bad people, If and only if, the GOOD, KIND, Decent, hardworking, compassionate and decent citizens stay at home, because your protests have been heard loud and clear across your country and around the world.

Actual looters in Ferguson, Missouri after it gets dark

We agree with the 99.999999% good people in Ferguson, and want them to care about themselves and their families. Fighting the police is not worth it, you will not win, you may die, but if all the good people stay home on Tuesday, that will only leave the others. Please, put an end to this International story of Injustice to the great people of Ferguson, now. God Bless and we shall say a prayer for you tonight.



Toronto cops have 'velcro' nametags which they take off during and types of riots/disturbances. Why aren't the sewn onto their uniform permanately?

Toronto cops have ‘velcro’ nametags which they take off during and types of riots/disturbances. Why aren’t the sewn onto their uniform permanently?

Many local residents in Ferguson see what is happening now in the town is not much different from the normal. One resident recently said “It’s an unwritten rule in Ferguson and St. Louis that black men do not go out on the street after dark for fear of harassment by the police.”

With all the arrests in Ferguson this past week the most were not fromĀ  town, many of the same protesters have been arrested several nights in a row.
And what’s with the police that are acting for security in Ferguson, why do they not have any identification badges on their uniforms in case a citizen wants to report the actions of any police officer? Their appears to be no numbers on their shoulders or no name tag on the uniforms.
Last night an officer patrolling the streets pointed an AR15 rifle at peaceful protesters and said he was going to “kill them” fortunately another officer pulled he away but it was caught on video, and he has been removed from the operation and suspended indefinitely.
The officer was not named but he is from a nearby jurisdiction call St. Anne. When asked his name he said “I’m go fuck yoursel.”

what’s pissing you off in Toronto, what makes you agree in a big city, what’s unfair, TTC, Government, food price scams, plenty to pick from, including International crisis’

Toronto, Canada – A recent major beef on the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is the slow entries into the front doors of the streetcars downtown. Everyone is in an unresolved efficient loading of the streetcars in the downtown core.

ttc81714Another important issue on subways are the people who constantly block the doors that passengers are trying to get in/off the train.

For an efficient system to work, riders must be asked to use the rear entrance when deboarding, which allows paying customers to load the streetcar with new ones. And once on the Red Rocket attempt to move to the rear of the car so others can get on easily in the front.

In late August the branch new sleek, twice as long streetcars will be introduced only to the spadina line from some unknown reason, yet they will be offering onboard entrance at any four doors with valid metropasses or transfers.

Any one paying cash or ticket will continue to be required to enter through the front door and try to get past the people trying to get off.

“Please stand clear of the doors” broadcast on all subways at every stop is clearly ignored, and when someone is trying to get on/off at any stop is clearly delayed from doing so. Politely asking people to CLEAR the doors there met with, displeasure, and arrogance after a sports team event at either ACC or Skydome/Rogers Centre.

TTC rain (2)Have you entered the College/Dundas/Queen/KING station there are two sides to the booth for operators, and yet the majority of the time there are long lines since there is only one both in service?

Because of the new “boarding streetcar plans just announced, as an “Honor System” and passengers will be allowed to enter any door if they have Metropass or transfers, this will fail heavily. I’ve yet to see ANY payment fees checked on any streetcar line except Queen. And the honor checks rarely get on those lines. Where I do see the frequenting and just hanging out, are the Yonge/Bloor terminus and the UNION Station which seems to have too many checkers.


StreetcarAug7200982014Our purpose it to let you tell us what you really think about this new Honor System proposed in the near future, but is just really one big joke. The need to hire at lease an extra hundred people to do this ticket validating.

Crackhead Rob Ford has done it again

Mayor Rob Ford of Toronto has done it again, caught red-handed with a crack pipe in Toronto.

Check out what some of the late night hosts think of the mayors decision to go into rehab HERE.

Ford crack


NHL Playoffs underway, but who plays who? Here’s the layout – team by team breakdown

@dandmb50 – This is the layout of who plays who in their trip to the Stanley Cup final.

Montreal Canadiens will go into round two on Thursday night (May 1st) on CBC and will probably play on Saturday as well. The NHL seems to be slow in the playoff schedule but I’ll keep you posted as soon as I find out. Boston have the home advantage so the first two games will be played at the TD Centre which stands for Toronto-Dominion Bank, I’m sure people in Boston don’t know that.

Although Toronto never made the playoffs, now all of Canada is behind our great Montreal Canadiens.

Tonight (Wednesday) should be interesting while three games will be the seventh in the series.





Mayor Rob Ford ‘Ford Nation’ this week, very weak indeed, a fail on Jimmy Kimmel LIVE (video below)

Mayor Ford and his clan visited Los Angeles this week where he went to “Promote Toronto” but it clearly failed. Kimmel made him come out looking like a real jerk, which is not difficult for his worship, but he did come across as a good, caring guy, with some personal problems.

Kimmel’s closing remarks were supportive and Mayor Ford should take the advice.

Being an alcoholic is not a laughing matter, nor is it an embarrassing one, it is real, and if he needs help, there is plenty available and his family will lead him in the right direction.

We love that you love Toronto, but please come up with some new slogans, material, it seems all the propaganda you deliver, it is always the same, no matter what show you are on.

One thing really rings true, no matter good or bad publicity, it can be good for the city, and Rob Ford has clearly made Toronto an international city, even though it is an embarrassment to us all.

You can see all four parts HERE or below and follow the links, over million viewers around the world and tons of comments.

He’s so well know around the world now, they don’t even have to say he is the Toronto, Canada Mayor anymore, just Rob Ford, Mayor of Toronto and everyone knows where he is from.

Sochi 2014 Olympics Canada places 3rd, Well done – Men/Women win GOLD in hockey – Don Cherry has lots to say and doesn’t hold back

Canada wins GOLD in Men’s Hockey Sochi Olympics 2014 Made Canada proud.

  • Canada Olympians came through with an excellent showing at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games, in Russia and although Russia was tops in the metal standings, Canada placed a respectable 3rd, just short of Vancouver 2010.

Donald S. Cherry Host of Coaches Corner made the trip to Sochi and had a lot to say but he will not be returning. He thought he would see “Women sweeping the streets with brooms,” but found out the city looked like “Downtown Mississauga, when he got there.”

Don Cherry turned 80 this week didn’t keep him silent – And what did you have to say?